Greek Orthodox Religioscapes as Domains of Intra-European Migrant Integration and Europeanisation


  • Georgios E. Trantas VID Specialized University


Greek Orthodoxy, church, religioscapes, migration, hybridity, Europeanisation, Europeanness, integration


This article is an attempt to contribute to the discourse regarding the Europeanisation process from an alternative perspective: that of religiocultural aesthetics. Namely, stemming from the H2020 research project titled ‘Go Religioscapes’ and the empirical qualitative research thereof, the main lines of reasoning as well as the main argument of this paper is that a hybrid, collective European identity is possible and that this hybridity can be cultivated within the context of intra-European migrant religioscapes. With Christianity being a historically and culturally consolidated common denominator among European peoples, religiocultural adherence, in a broader context, can be utilised as a unifying factor in a post-secular sense. The osmosis of heterodox religious aesthetics is indicative of a harmonious symbiosis between denominations and further of the emergence of a new aesthetic – and symbolic constellations thereof, which in turn function as memorialisation of a hybrid identity narrative. Given that Christianity transcends nationality, it can function as an organic cultural bond between European peoples, as attested by the emergent thematic patterns that are identifiable in the Greek Orthodox migrant religioscapes of Great Britain and Germany. They have indeed developed unique identity strands that encompass inclusive particularities, identifiable at a symbolic religious level.

Author Biography

Georgios E. Trantas, VID Specialized University

VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Norway.






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