About the Journal
The Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies is an international on-line publication of SCIRI (the Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies) and SACRI (the Academic Society for the Research of Religions and Ideologies). It is a peer-review academic publication intended for professors and researchers interested in the study of religions and ideologies.
J.S.R.I. encourages interdisciplinary approaches of religions, engaging the following domains: religious studies, philosophy of religions, ethics, political philosophy and political science, anthropology, sociology, interreligious dialogue and communications theory. All articles must explore the religious dimension of the issues covered.
J.S.R.I. is an open-access journal published on the internet, with three issues per year. Publication in JSRI is completely free of charge.
J.S.R.I. is indexed in the following databases: Clarivate Analytics (former ISI - Thompson-Reuters), Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ProQuest, Brill, Gale, ERIH Plus.
Prospective authors are advised to adapt their submissions to the topics specified in the "Announcements" and make sure their texts address the issues mentioned above. We expect from the authors to develop the topics from the perspective of the situation of religions in the XXIst century.