The Golem and the Artificial Intelligence. A new opening towards storytelling


  • Sandu Frunza Babes-Bolyai University


Golem, Artificial Intelligence, literary imaginary, the Scientific Imaginary, magic and technology, mythical and religious representations, storytelling, Gustav Meyrink, Moshe Idel


Discussing the symbolism of the Golem in relation to technology and Artificial Intelligence can be a good starting point for a multiperspective reflection on the human being’s ability to create both in the sphere of symbolic goods and material, technological goods. I appealed to a literary writing as a starting point because today literature proves to be one of the most accessible custodians of our imaginative creation, of our symbolic consciousness, of ethical representations, of philosophical contents and of the openings that the human being can have in different spheres of creation. The resort to storytelling is linked to a certain magical attitude that characterizes our relationship as people of the digital age with technology. We all find ourselves under the spell of the magic of storytelling; we all live under the fascination of the magic of technology; and this happens because we fully experience the fascination of meeting new technological creations, espe­cially those that assume the significant presence of Artificial Intelligence. The ambivalence brought by the development of a symbolic figure such as that of the Golem can be a good starting point, on the one hand, for ethical reflection, and on the other hand for the creation of strategies in which Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence to merge in the harmony of a good daily life for man like all men. Also, significant from the perspective of our analysis is the fact that the figure of the Golem also entered the scientific imaginary.

Author Biography

Sandu Frunza, Babes-Bolyai University

Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Communication, Public Relations, and Adver­tising, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.






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